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Six characteristics of the future development of China's hardware industry

Release Time:

Sep 04,2021

China's hardware industry has maintained a trend of rapid development since the 1990 s, and has now become an important hardware country in the world. However, it is undeniable that China's hardware industry has a large gap with the world's well-known hardware enterprises in many aspects, such as product development, innovation, brand management, marketing management, enterprise scale, financial strength and so on. But I believe that through the joint efforts of all parties, these difficulties can be overcome and resolved.

China's hardware industry has maintained a trend of rapid development since the 1990 s, and has now become an important hardware country in the world. However, it is undeniable that China's hardware industry has a large gap with the world's well-known hardware enterprises in many aspects, such as product development, innovation, brand management, marketing management, enterprise scale, financial strength and so on. But I believe that through the joint efforts of all parties, these difficulties can be overcome and resolved.

At present, China has formulated a phased development plan: by 2010, the level of hardware manufacturing industry will be significantly improved, and some industries will enter the international advanced level; by 2020, the overall hardware manufacturing industry will reach the international advanced level. China's hardware industry has great development potential and broad market prospects. Relevant hardware companies should have the courage to meet challenges, seize market opportunities, and develop with the industry!

The export of hardware products has increased sharply, and the comparative advantage is obvious; the operation of capital is active, which promotes the sharing of resources among enterprises; the polarization of enterprises brings market rationality; the increase of high-tech content enhances the market competitiveness of products-"the internationalization of domestic competition, the domestication of international competition" will be the characteristics of the development of China's hardware industry in the next few years, and will be specifically manifested in the following six aspects.
      1. China's position as a global hardware manufacturing center will be further consolidated
China's economic facilities are relatively perfect, the industrial development is relatively mature and the labor cost is low. It has the comparative advantage of becoming a global hardware manufacturing center, and the export-oriented development characteristics of the hardware manufacturing industry are obvious. The strengthening of the central position is first manifested in the overall growth of the export of hardware products in recent years: the export growth rate of the main hardware products is higher than the growth rate of production, and even higher than the growth rate of sales in the domestic market; the main hardware and electrical products are in full bloom. Tools, hand tools, construction hardware products, these traditional export products have a high growth rate. Huge market and center of gravity will further attract hardware multinational manufacturing center to China's transfer.
Capital operations in the 2. industry will become more active and cooperation between enterprises will be significantly strengthened.
     In the environment of global competition, in order to obtain a favorable competitive position and improve competitiveness, industrial capital is another theme of industry operation. From the perspective of capital, the main feature of the current is the expansion of capital. From the perspective of competitive behavior, the cooperation of resource sharing among enterprises is increasing.
3. hardware enterprise polarization will further intensify
The next few years will be a period of high-speed shock in the hardware industry. The direct consequence of this high-speed shock is the expansion of the current trend of polarization in the hardware brand camp. It is expected that in the next few years, there are absolutely not so many hardware companies that can really survive in the market. However, this high-speed shock in the hardware industry will bring great opportunities, and the result of the shock will make the market operation more rational.

4. sales channels will undergo profound changes, and competition between channels will become increasingly fierce.
    On the one hand, manufacturers have strengthened their control over retail terminals, striving to reduce sales links and save sales costs, so that sales channels can develop in the direction of specialization, and the enterprise sales model can adapt to diverse markets at the same time. On the other hand, the trend of the development of the sales industry has led to the rising status of large chain stores, increased control over the industry, and participation in and triggered price competition that was previously dominated by manufacturers. With its broad market coverage, procurement scale and cost advantages, large retailers will have increasing control over production enterprises in terms of product pricing and payment delivery. At the same time, the requirements of the international market for China's hardware products will gradually develop and change, and there will be higher requirements for the quality, packaging and delivery period of Chinese products, and even gradually extend to the production process and product research and development, combining products with environmental protection, energy resources and human environment.
   5. market competition will shift from price-oriented to high-quality, high-tech products.
      With the deepening of competition, the profit margins of all stages of the hardware industry chain are being compressed, and the space for price reduction is decreasing. More and more enterprises realize that price competition alone cannot establish core competitiveness and is not the direction of long-term development, so they strive to explore new development paths. Many hardware companies have increased investment in technology, developed new products with high-tech content, and used product differentiation as a long-term solution for enterprise development, seeking new market demand and establishing new economic growth points to realize the sustainable development of enterprises.
     6. the integration of domestic and foreign enterprises will be further accelerated
In order to improve their own strength and expand the international market faster, domestic hardware enterprises will speed up the integration with foreign enterprises through various means to improve product quality and competitiveness. While continuing to expand the markets of traditional countries such as the United States and Japan, it will also blossom in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia, Europe and Africa. Overall, China's hardware industry will continue the momentum of structural adjustment, but at the same time will continue to appear some bright spots. The polarization of hardware companies will intensify, and some companies that do not adapt to market competition will withdraw from market competition through different channels, and hardware giants will gradually surface.

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