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Market Analysis of Hardware Tools Industry at Home and Abroad

Release Time:

Sep 02,2021

In terms of industry characteristics, there is no sunrise or sunset in the hardware tool industry. Whether in the international or domestic, it is an industry with obvious traditional characteristics.

In terms of industry characteristics, there is no sunrise or sunset in the hardware tool industry. Whether in the international or domestic, it is an industry with obvious traditional characteristics.
The distribution of the domestic hardware tools market is that China's hardware tools market is mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangdong and Shandong and other places, of which Zhejiang and Guangdong are the most prominent. Yongkang in Zhejiang has always been known as the "Hometown of Hardware", and Zhejiang people have a strong sense of market operation. From the original hot pot products and stainless steel thermos cups to the popular scooters last year, they have brought them a lot of money.

Guangdong: will soon become the world's mold production center. At present, more than 6000 mold enterprises have gathered around Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta area, with more than 100000 employees. The South China International Mould Exhibition has been held in Shenzhen for five consecutive sessions, attracting more than 1000 companies from 25 countries and regions to participate. It is the most professional and international mold industry exhibition in China today.

International hardware tools market dynamics

1. Developed countries have transferred medium and low-grade products to the third world. Due to the rapid development of production technology and the impact of high labor prices, developed countries have accelerated the transfer of medium and low-grade products to the third world, and only produce some high value-added products. product.

2.DIY products become the new darling of the hardware market. In recent years, in Europe and the United States, with the design of architectural hardware products in developed countries to easy installation and maintenance, self-assembly (do it yourself) products and tools are popular in the market. According to the analysis of people in the industry, in the next two years, domestic architectural hardware products will also move towards an intelligent and humanized development path.

Domestic hardware tools market dynamics

1. China's daily hardware industry into the forefront of the world

Since 1996, China has successively established 14 technology development centers for zippers, electric shavers, stainless steel utensils, iron pots, blades, bicycle locks, etc., and 16 Products centers for pressure cookers, electric shavers, and lighters. At present, most of these centers have developed into industry leaders, and some have become world leaders. For example, Supor Cookware Company produces high-end electric pressure cookers; Zhejiang Superman Group's electric shaver output has surpassed Japan's Sanyo Company, becoming the world's third largest shaver manufacturer; Wenzhou Dahu Lighter Factory has become China's largest metal lighter manufacturer and has achieved good economic benefits.

2. China has gradually become a major hardware processing and export country in the world.

China has become one of the largest hardware producers in the world, with a broad market and consumption potential. Although the financial crisis in the past few years has had a slight impact on China's hardware exports, it has improved since 1999. Export earnings rose from US $2.76 billion in 1995 to US $3.847 billion in 1999, an increase of 71.74 per cent, with an average annual growth of 11.4 per cent, and have been growing steadily since then. In 2002, the total output value of China's hardware industry reached 189.5 billion billion yuan, an increase of 19.15 percent over the same period last year. Customs statistics showed that the total export volume was 6.774 billion billion US dollars, an increase of 24.51 percent over the same period last year. Among them, the output of gas water heaters was 2.4384 million, an increase of 19.18 percent over the previous year. Locks 1.23 billion handle, an increase of 9.43 percent over the previous year. Daily stainless steel products 415000 tons, an increase of 24.56. It is understood that at least 70% of China's hardware industry is now private enterprises, which is the main force in the development of China's hardware industry. On the other hand, the international hardware market: European and American developed countries due to the rapid development of production technology and rising labor prices, the universal products to the production of developing countries, only the production of high value-added products, and China has a strong market potential, so it is more advantageous to develop into a major exporter of hardware processing.

Overview and development trend of key markets

Next, we talk about several major markets in the hardware industry: hand tool market, tool market and mold market overview, hoping to bring a little inspiration to the manufacturers.

(I) Hand Tools Market

1. U.S. hand tools market demand stable

While the scale of new houses in the housing market in the United States increased at the end of last year, there are still a large number of existing houses that are uninhabited, bringing great opportunities for the housing renovation market. The average model and age of motor vehicles are getting larger and larger, which has played a certain role in promoting the sales of hand tools in the automotive aftermarket. In addition, there is strong demand for forging tools for electronic product distribution, especially adjustable wrenches.

2. Increased demand for hand tools in Germany

In Germany, comfortable and labor-saving tools are the most popular. The smooth handle and beautiful appearance that help to grip the tool are important factors to attract their desire to buy. In terms of tool types, power tools are now increasingly popular. In addition, rechargeable tools are becoming increasingly popular. The new rechargeable tools now on the market have multiple rechargeable battery jacks that can be used in a variety of environments.

3. Taiwan hand tool industry to adjust the product structure

The hand tool industry in Taiwan has certain advantages in the world by virtue of its stable product quality, punctual delivery and complete product range, which can meet the needs of customers. Moreover, the sales of hand tools in Taiwan are mainly in the off-island market. At present, there are about 5000 local manufacturers, mostly in the central part of Taiwan Island, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises. According to relevant survey data, in terms of individual hand tool product categories, sleeves are exported in bulk, followed by hand tool combinations, third is gardening tools, wrenches rank fourth, and pliers rank fifth. In terms of export countries, the United States ranks first, followed by the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.

(II) tool market

1. The world tool market demand will continue to grow

According to overseas media reports, the world's tool market demand is growing. Among them, the growth of European and North American countries is stable, especially Eastern European countries; the Asian market has rebounded slightly, with great market potential, and the market of Latin American countries has increased significantly, especially Mexico. (In the past year, the tool market demand growth is slow, mainly because of the increase in tool life, and then there is the user for the entire manufacturing process requirements, instead of many of the machine tools and tools. And multi-function tool applications increased, instead of a lot of the previous single-function simple tool.) Experts predict that: "In the future, users will put more emphasis on the research and development of tools in production plants, not only in the field of materials and surface coating technology, but also in the production process of tool products. "The expert said that focusing on production practices will help tool manufacturers increase their market competitiveness in areas they are familiar.

2. Technical Updates

Tool product technology, carbide tools gradually replace high-speed steel tools, especially round tools. The application of coated tools is becoming more and more common, and in Europe, the market share of new tools for high-speed machining is growing.

3. Developments on the vendor side

From the point of view of tool manufacturers cooperation, there will be many large companies in the high-tech market.

General Situation and Development Trend of (III) Mould Market

At present, the domestic market has a large demand for medium and high-end molds, but domestic molds are required to meet the needs of users in terms of quality and delivery time. Moreover, home appliances, automobiles, and plastic products industries have the greatest demand for molds. In the international market, in recent years, the labor cost of industrialized countries has increased, and their mold production is shifting to developing countries, especially Southeast Asian countries. Its domestic production of high, fine mold-based, manual labor input a large amount of mold to rely on imports to solve.

Therefore, the low-grade mold international market potential is huge. As long as the quality of domestic mold can be improved, the delivery time can be guaranteed, the prospect of mold export is very optimistic. In addition, the international market for plastic mold rack and mold standard parts demand is also great.

At present, China only has a small amount of plastic mold rack exports. Relevant experts believe that after China's accession to the WTO, along with the wave of world economic integration, the accelerated transfer of global manufacturing to mainland China is the general trend, and China will gradually develop into a world-class manufacturing base.

The expert predicts that Guangdong, especially the Pearl River Delta region, will develop into the world's mold production center within ten years. At the same time, in recent years, China has imported nearly 1 billion US dollars a year, of which precision, large, complex and long-life molds account for the majority, so from the perspective of reducing imports, the proportion of such high-end molds in the market will gradually increase. According to customs statistics, in 2000, China imported a total of $0.977 billion in mold, export mold $0.173 billion.

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