A manufacturing company specializing in the production and sale of torque tools

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How the torque wrench industry will develop in the future

Release Time:

Aug 31,2021

The report on the current situation and development prospect of China's live wrench industry (2021) makes a detailed and systematic analysis and prediction on the market environment, production and operation, product market, brand competition, product import and export, industry investment environment and sustainable development of China's live wrench products. And on this basis, the development trend of the wrench industry to make a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis and prediction. It provides authoritative, sufficient and reliable decision-making basis for the development strategy, investment decision-making and enterprise management.

The report on the current situation and development prospect of China's live wrench industry (2021) makes a detailed and systematic analysis and prediction on the market environment, production and operation, product market, brand competition, product import and export, industry investment environment and sustainable development of China's live wrench products. And on this basis, the development trend of the wrench industry to make a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis and prediction. It provides authoritative, sufficient and reliable decision-making basis for the development strategy, investment decision-making and enterprise management.

Torque wrenches are high-quality torque measuring tools. With the development of the torque wrench industry, more and more people use torque wrenches. At this time, we should stop and take a good look at the future development of the torque wrench industry. At the beginning of the development of the industry, torque wrenches were only ordinary hardware tools. A few years ago, the emergence of torque wrenches made greater progress in design concepts. Since then, the production of torque wrenches has also undergone many changes, and customers have higher and higher requirements for the precision of torque wrenches.

Domestic torque wrench production technology in the world has occupied an important position, and China has become a torque wrench production and sales power, the development of the domestic market has been more and more people's attention. The development of torque wrenches in 2013 has opened a new chapter. Where is the future of the torque wrench industry? This has always been a topic of concern to the industry. Many experts are predicting that the torque wrench industry will move towards high precision and numerical control in the future. With the popularization of numerical control technology and the promotion of digital technology, enterprises also use numerical control technology more in the manufacture of products. Of course, the development of torque wrench is not limited to the development of numerical control technology, enterprises in improving product accuracy should also include the development and application of new high-tech materials.

At present, the production of torque wrenches in China is still in its infancy, and there is still a long way to go in the future. There are still many related technologies that need to be improved, and we should continue to work hard. The torque wrench industry will be on the road of high precision and numerical control tomorrow. In addition to actively absorbing foreign advanced technology, we should also strengthen the transformation ability of enterprises. Only by grasping the competitive advantage can we have the excellent initiative in the torque wrench market.

The principle of torque wrench out of kata sound is very simple, can be divided into the following steps to understand:

1. After the Torqueleader torque wrench makes a "kata" sound, it indicates that the torque value you require has been reached;

2. The "kata" issued by the torque wrench is produced by its own internal torque release structure, and its structure is divided into three structures: pressure spring, torque release joint, and torque ejector rod.

3. First, set the required torque value on the torque wrench (the spring is set on the ejector rod to press the torque release joint), lock the torque wrench, and start tightening the bolt. When the bolt reaches the torque value (when the torque is greater than the pressure of the spring), it will produce a momentary disjoint effect. At the moment of disjoint effect, the joint knocks and the "carta" sound emitted by the metal shell of the wrench. From this, we can confirm the reminding effect of reaching the torque value (in fact, it is the same as the principle that our arm joint will touch the steel pipe after being bent at 15 degrees and placed in the iron pipe for an instant straightening). The above is a commonly used manual torque wrench, in addition to electric torque wrench, pneumatic torque wrench and so on. There are many industrial chains in China, the production concentration of the industry is low, the research and development capability of the excellent products of the torque board industry is low, and the manufacturing technology level of the industry is low, and the import and export trade deficit continues to expand. The next few years will be a period of high-speed shock in the torque wrench industry. The direct consequence of this high-speed shock is the expansion of the trend of polarization in the brand camp. It is expected that there are not so many enterprises that can really survive in the market in the next few years. However, this high-speed shock in the torque wrench industry will bring huge opportunities, and the result of the shock will make the market operation more rational. Excellent localization of the road to abnormal "bumpy". Basic parts have become a short board restricting the development of China's manufacturing industry to excellence. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the government will continue to increase the localization of excellent equipment parts in the torque wrench industry.

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